Hypnotherapy, Counselling or RTT?
So Hypnotherapy, Counselling or RTT?
When it comes to ‘therapy’ we are confronted with an overwhelming number of choices and we are often presented with them when we are exhausted by the traditional medical system and are facing ‘our last resort’.
Not the ideal time to be making a choice!
There is no doubt that every therapy has its place, but often by this point, we are desperate. I know I was. I had always felt that hypnotherapy would be the last thing I would do (I didn’t want anyone to get into my mind – after all it was a scary place) but I was running out of options…
I had had counselling in the past, for what I thought was a completely separate issue. Counselling is not a quick process, it takes usually takes months, if not years, of regular visits. Over time one builds up trust in the Counsellor and I certainly found that mine was the first person I felt actually understood what I was going through.
I had a busy life though, worked long hours in a stressful job, and then I moved a bit further away so my Counselling sessions drifted off because, to be frank, I just didn’t have the time…. I ended up getting on with life. Although I had gained a lot of insight from Counselling, and an understanding of where I was and why I was there at the time, despite months of sessions, I didn’t understand the root cause…
Back to Hypnotherapy and being desperate! So desperate that I decided to try it. I was in severe neuropathic pain due to a damaged nerve in my spine. My life had been reduced to almost being housebound, day after day in debilitating pain, unable to work, walk very far or drive.
I had tried several other forms of complementary therapies, some of which worked for a while, but none had any lasting effect. I found an amazing hypnotherapist, to whom I will forever be grateful, for she showed me the way, and gave me a glimpse of the power of the mind. She showed me how to self hypnotise and I learned how to cool the intense burning sensations I had through visualisation (I can now do it on command). She made me realise, that contrary to my previous belief, hypnotherapy was an incredible tool in the right hands.
Again, though, we’re talking regular sessions (I went weekly for months) and gradually my nervous system started to calm down and I learned techniques to manage the pain. We also looked at my emotions and how they were affecting my body because as my nervous system calmed down, I became aware of what was triggering it, so I like to think of traditional hypnotherapy as a form of counselling with added extras because it trains the mind and releases emotions, it helps you gain control over undesired behaviours and cope better with anxiety or pain.
But it still doesn’t necessarily get to the root cause. Not quickly, anyway…
RTT – the best of both!
One session of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) completely turned my life around.
I admit some of the work had been done already but at the rate, it was going it would be many many months, not to mention lots of money to get to the place one RTT session got me to, if ever….
The main reason is, that in one session, I understood the root cause of my pain. I understood where it began and why. I understood that, at least in part, it was the manifestation of years and years of emotional pain, but also that I didn’t need to hold on to that pain anymore. That I had formed a belief as a very young child that had directed my view of my place in the world and that belief had created my reality.
That understanding was incredibly powerful and influenced me so deeply that I went on to train as an RTT Therapist.
When you invest in an RTT treatment, it is like going to the dentist. You don’t go to the dentist with severe toothache from a rotten tooth and expect the dentist to ask you how the toothache makes you feel, what emotions are coming up for you, offer to calm you down with relaxation and book an appointment for the following week and do it all over again.
No, you expect her to fix it there and then, to extract the tooth and allow healing to take place straight away. It’s the same with RTT, it’s fast and effective (most issues are dealt with in one to three sessions, not months or years).
How does RTT work?
RTT uses hypnosis to communicate with the subconscious mind ‘taking influences from modern psychology, psychotherapy, healing, counselling and coaching. It’s been simplified to make it faster, more efficient and more solution orientated’ (Marisa Peer, founder of RTT) so you are actually getting the best of all these therapies…

A client receiving hypnotherapy session at home
What can RTT be used for?
RTT can be used to treat many physical and emotional conditions including Anxiety and Stress, Chronic Pain, Autoimmune Disorders, Depression, Grief, Migraines, Insomnia, IBS, Weight Control, Addiction and many more. If you would like to know if I can help with your condition please click here
As an RTT Therapist, working worldwide online and can be reached through the contact page
What my clients say:
On anxiety
Before: I suffered from almost crippling anxiety, about a number of things. It was very difficult for me to drive anywhere for fear of becoming lost and not being able to find a parking space when I arrived.
If I had to drive anywhere (apart from home) I would worry for days (and nights) and then if I was away for some time, I would worry the whole time about driving and parking. I had a strong belief that my sense of direction was non-existent and this was the source of stress and anxiety for me. I also lacked confidence in many ways, and this in turn affected the way I lived my life. Speaking up and being confident in my own opinions was difficult and so also restricted every part of my daily existence.
After: the way I live my life is very different from 4 weeks ago. I now believe my sense of direction is excellent, I have a great deal of confidence and am able to voice my own opinions. There are many other ways this process has positively affected me and for this, I am very grateful indeed.
Stella, thank you so much for everything you have done for me, I really cannot thank you enough.
On Depression
Before: I was feeling chronically sad and depressed
After: it was a huge relief to have understood that my sadness and depression was a result of unresolved grief from loss of my grandmother, she had been the only person who had shown me love and seen my true self.
There were many beautiful revelations that came up in our session together… I feel lucky to be alive
On Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / ME
Before: disabling ME/CFS
After: I am able to walk, paint, read and enjoy time with family and friends without the agony of pain and exhaustion afterwards. I have returned to the work I love, and I live life with greater ease.
To be kept updated and learn more subscribe to my mailing list below, I promise you won’t regret the decision.. 🙂
[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”What is RTT” answer-0=”It combines the most beneficial principles of Hypnotherapy, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Psychotherapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapies. RTT is designed to deliver rapid, permanent results to people who are struggling with physical or emotional pains.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”What is Hypnosis” answer-1=”Hypnotherapy utilizes the heightened awareness of the hypnotic state to help you focus on a problem more deeply” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”How many treatments does it take for hypnotherapy to work” answer-2=” Phobias, like a fear of flying, usually require 1-2 sessions. Deep work around anxiety, relationships, money blocks, or changing lifestyle habits (like emotional eating) will often require a minimum of 3-6 sessions.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h2″ question-3=”How many treatments does it take for RTT to work” answer-3=” RTT is able to help much quicker than other modalities. Most people need only one session to understand the root of their issue and to let it go for good. More complex issues can take slightly longer, but no more than three session” image-3=”” headline-4=”h2″ question-4=”” answer-4=”” image-4=”” count=”5″ html=”true” css_class=””]
Hi Stella. What a fantastic blog post I learnt a lots from your knowledge and understanding.
Fabulous blog. RTT ® is the most amazing transformational therapy. Great work you’re doing.
Thank you for your kind words. Regards Stella
Thank you for sharing your experience!